A opção pelo transporte coletivo urbano deve-se à nossa experiência no assunto (vide CV) e a visão de que o futuro da humanidade passa por uma solução mais inteligente na construção das cidades.
terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2013
A luta continua
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Elevadores, Acessibilidade, ônibus ruins, calçadas - Curitiba
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segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013
Projeto de Fruet "Gratuísmo" e projeto do Metrô
De: fomus@googlegroups.com [mailto:fomus@googlegroups.com] Em
nome de andre lima
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013 15:10
Para: fomus@googlegroups.com
Assunto: [FoMUS] Projeto de Fruet "Gratuísmo" e projeto do Metrô
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013 15:10
Para: fomus@googlegroups.com
Assunto: [FoMUS] Projeto de Fruet "Gratuísmo" e projeto do Metrô
O MPL Curitiba vê o projeto de Fruet como
"GRATUÍSMO" (segundo eles, distorção do Tarifa Zero) e manifestantes
prisões e agressões físicas quando tentaram denunciar o projeto na câmara de
A Sociedad Peatonal, em conjunto com o MPL Curitiba
protocolou hoje um projeto junto à PPP do Metrô Curitibano.
No total foram 4 projetos apresentados.
O movimento publicou hoje a seguinte postagem, fazendo um
balanço da nova gestão e de seus projetos na área de mobilidade urbana:
André Caon Lima
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Silvio Caccia Bava: Um Brasil sem catracas - Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil
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Shaping Transportation: Adressing Transport Transformation through Modelling, Dr. Tom van Vuren
Publicado em 19/06/2013
Dr. Tom van Vuren: Adressing Transport Transformation through Modelling
The presentation will build on the topic and presentations of the Shaping Transportation conference and explore modelling approaches that might be suitable to support all levels of decision-making in search of long-term urban sustainability and recognising the importance of reflecting all three pillars of sustainability. I will consider challenges, for example the need for extremely fast turnaround times for incident management, our desire to reflect complex and irrational decision-making by travelers, and the expectation that we should allow for long-term uncertainties in the determinants of transport demand and operations, but also the opportunities offered by different model approaches and new data sources.
For the past 30 years Dr. Tom van Vuren has worked at the interface between academic research and practical implementation of transport modelling techniques. His main interest is the application of best practice transport modelling to support decision-making, searching for improvements in both methods and underlying data sources. He has published widely and has contributed to guidance for the UK Department for Transport.
The presentation will build on the topic and presentations of the Shaping Transportation conference and explore modelling approaches that might be suitable to support all levels of decision-making in search of long-term urban sustainability and recognising the importance of reflecting all three pillars of sustainability. I will consider challenges, for example the need for extremely fast turnaround times for incident management, our desire to reflect complex and irrational decision-making by travelers, and the expectation that we should allow for long-term uncertainties in the determinants of transport demand and operations, but also the opportunities offered by different model approaches and new data sources.
For the past 30 years Dr. Tom van Vuren has worked at the interface between academic research and practical implementation of transport modelling techniques. His main interest is the application of best practice transport modelling to support decision-making, searching for improvements in both methods and underlying data sources. He has published widely and has contributed to guidance for the UK Department for Transport.
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Simulation-Based Traffic Forecast with PTV Optima
Publicado em 19/06/2013
Simulation-Based Traffic Forecast and Information with PTV Optima for the regional Traffic Supervision and Control Center of Piedmont Region, Italy:
The presentation will primarily address the context, the needs, the objectives and main characteristics of the new regional Traffic Operation Centre (TOC) of Piedmont Region, Italy. Sequentially the PTV Optima solution for real-time traffic forecast, management and information will be introduced, highlighting its role to fulfil expected project results.
Fabrizio Arneodo has a degree in Computer Science received in 1995 at the University of Turin (Italy); he has 20 years of experience in software development projects, especially in the field of R&D and innovation with usage of state of the art technologies. He has expertise in Telecommunication Domain matured working as Senior Consultant in Telecom Italia Labs from 1996 to 1999, and working in Motorola as Project Manager in several projects for Mobile Networks Design Optimization (GSM/GPRS, UMTS, CDMA, HSDPA). Currently, Mr. Arneodo is covering the role of Head of ITS Design and Development department of 5T, in charge to coordinate research and operation activities in the ITS Domain.
Lorenzo Meschini, a PhD in Transportation Engineering, has a strong scientific and technical experience in the field of simulation, analysis, planning and management of transport systems. An expert programmer, he has managed many international projects in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Transport Planning. He has authored many publications in national and international scientific literature, and has addressed many international conferences. He is co-founder and CEO of SISTeMA srl, Spin-off of the University "La Sapienza" and a PTV Group company.
Simulation-Based Traffic Forecast and Information with PTV Optima for the regional Traffic Supervision and Control Center of Piedmont Region, Italy:
The presentation will primarily address the context, the needs, the objectives and main characteristics of the new regional Traffic Operation Centre (TOC) of Piedmont Region, Italy. Sequentially the PTV Optima solution for real-time traffic forecast, management and information will be introduced, highlighting its role to fulfil expected project results.
Fabrizio Arneodo has a degree in Computer Science received in 1995 at the University of Turin (Italy); he has 20 years of experience in software development projects, especially in the field of R&D and innovation with usage of state of the art technologies. He has expertise in Telecommunication Domain matured working as Senior Consultant in Telecom Italia Labs from 1996 to 1999, and working in Motorola as Project Manager in several projects for Mobile Networks Design Optimization (GSM/GPRS, UMTS, CDMA, HSDPA). Currently, Mr. Arneodo is covering the role of Head of ITS Design and Development department of 5T, in charge to coordinate research and operation activities in the ITS Domain.
Lorenzo Meschini, a PhD in Transportation Engineering, has a strong scientific and technical experience in the field of simulation, analysis, planning and management of transport systems. An expert programmer, he has managed many international projects in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Transport Planning. He has authored many publications in national and international scientific literature, and has addressed many international conferences. He is co-founder and CEO of SISTeMA srl, Spin-off of the University "La Sapienza" and a PTV Group company.
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Urban Transport in Latin America, Jorge M. Rebelo, The World Bank
Publicado em 18/06/2013
Jorge M. Rebelo, Lead Transport Specialist, The World Bank: "Four Pillars of Urban Transport in Large Metropolitan Regions of Latin America: Issues and Options"
In terms of urban transport, Latin America represents an important region for development policy. Some ideas, such as the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Curitiba and Bogota or the rail concessions in Rio and Buenos Aires and the São Paulo Metro Line 4 PPP, are very innovative. Yet Latin America is also a region suffering from huge congestion problems and poor public transport options: There is a lack of infrastructure and, in most cases poor coordination and regulation between the several levels of government in a metropolitan region. Lack of coordination between the different levels of government is probably the main obstacle to faster progress in the sector. Scarce resources are lost due to duplication of investments, lack of uniformity between tariff and subsidy policies and poor modal integration. The users suffer daily with this lack of metropolitan authorities capable of prioritizing investments in infrastructure and services over the medium and long term thereby enticing them to shift from the automobile and the ever increasing number of motorcycles to efficient, affordable and comfortable public transport.
Against this backdrop, World Bank projects have encouraged metropolitan regions to come up with four pillars to help safeguard sustainable urban transport in the region:
• the creation of comprehensive metropolitan authorities,
• integrated strategies for urban transport, land use and air quality,
• financing mechanisms other than government budgets and
• public-private partnerships with appropriate regulation
The presentation showcases these four pillars and shows how Bank financed projects have tried to make them a reality in some metropolitan regions. One example is financial mechanisms. It is a well-known fact that a transport system can only be organized and run successfully if the necessary funds are made available. So should there be sole reliance on state funding which is dependent on economic cycles? What other mechanisms are there? Would advertising, additional taxes or the creation of commercial spaces in station buildings be a good idea? Would urban operations which tax the additional floor space created in the areas of influence of the urban transport systems be a feasible alternative? Another example is public-private partnerships: they reduce or postpone the burden on the government and enable planned projects
to be implemented more quickly.
Jorge Rebelo has worked at the World Bank for 25 years and is now a lead transport consultant. His expertise covers both urban public passenger transport and freight logistics. He has worked on subway and suburban rail projects in various parts of the world, and freight logistics projects in Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, India and China. Before he joined the World Bank he worked in both the private and public sectors as well as in academia.
Jorge M. Rebelo, Lead Transport Specialist, The World Bank: "Four Pillars of Urban Transport in Large Metropolitan Regions of Latin America: Issues and Options"
In terms of urban transport, Latin America represents an important region for development policy. Some ideas, such as the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Curitiba and Bogota or the rail concessions in Rio and Buenos Aires and the São Paulo Metro Line 4 PPP, are very innovative. Yet Latin America is also a region suffering from huge congestion problems and poor public transport options: There is a lack of infrastructure and, in most cases poor coordination and regulation between the several levels of government in a metropolitan region. Lack of coordination between the different levels of government is probably the main obstacle to faster progress in the sector. Scarce resources are lost due to duplication of investments, lack of uniformity between tariff and subsidy policies and poor modal integration. The users suffer daily with this lack of metropolitan authorities capable of prioritizing investments in infrastructure and services over the medium and long term thereby enticing them to shift from the automobile and the ever increasing number of motorcycles to efficient, affordable and comfortable public transport.
Against this backdrop, World Bank projects have encouraged metropolitan regions to come up with four pillars to help safeguard sustainable urban transport in the region:
• the creation of comprehensive metropolitan authorities,
• integrated strategies for urban transport, land use and air quality,
• financing mechanisms other than government budgets and
• public-private partnerships with appropriate regulation
The presentation showcases these four pillars and shows how Bank financed projects have tried to make them a reality in some metropolitan regions. One example is financial mechanisms. It is a well-known fact that a transport system can only be organized and run successfully if the necessary funds are made available. So should there be sole reliance on state funding which is dependent on economic cycles? What other mechanisms are there? Would advertising, additional taxes or the creation of commercial spaces in station buildings be a good idea? Would urban operations which tax the additional floor space created in the areas of influence of the urban transport systems be a feasible alternative? Another example is public-private partnerships: they reduce or postpone the burden on the government and enable planned projects
to be implemented more quickly.
Jorge Rebelo has worked at the World Bank for 25 years and is now a lead transport consultant. His expertise covers both urban public passenger transport and freight logistics. He has worked on subway and suburban rail projects in various parts of the world, and freight logistics projects in Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, India and China. Before he joined the World Bank he worked in both the private and public sectors as well as in academia.
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euronews futuris : L'autobus urbain du futur
Publicado em 23/03/2012
http://fr.euronews.com/ Ils sont partout. Pourtant, les bus ne sont pas populaires. "La moitié des transports publics en Europe sont effectué par des bus explique Umberto Guida coordinateur du projet européen EBSF 'Le système bus européen du futur'. (...) Mais les bus sont toujours largement considérés comme le moyen de transport le moins efficace et le moins attrayant. Alors notre idée, c'était de contribuer à la renaissance des bus. "
A Göteborg en Suède, un tout nouveau bus déssert la ligne 16, une des plus utilisée en ville. C'est l'arme secrète pour que les Européens se réapproprient leurs bus. Le véhicule est censé offrir 20% d'espace en plus pour les passagers .. avec seulement quelques astuce : "Pour commencer, nous avons ces deux nouvelles portes coulissantes qui sont plus larges, elles permettent une meilleure circulation des passagers "explique Lars Carldén ingénieur chez Volvo Technologie. Nous avons aussi des sièges pliables. Aux heures de pointe, les conducteurs peuvent les bloquer en position verticale.
Nous avons également placé le chauffeur au centre entre les roues avant, et nous avons déplacé les roues plus à l'avant pour générer davantage d'espace. Et ià l'arrière, nous avons de nouveaux soufflets qui sont transparents. Grâce à cela, nous obtenons plus de lumière à cet endroit, qui généralement était la partie la plus sombre du bus."
Ce bus est le prototype final d'un projet de recherche de l'Union européenne. Objectif : développer de nouvelles façons de promouvoir l'utilisation de bus plus silencieux, plus propre, plus efficace et plus convivial.
A Nanterre près de Paris, des chercheurs ont mis au point une plateforme informatique qui centralise tous les systèmes d'informations caractéristiques d'un bus.
Les conducteurs peuvent contrôler à partir de ce petit écran toute l'électronique à bord, y compris la localisation GPS, l'information trafic en temps réel, la consommation d'énergie, la vente de tickets, le nombre de passagers, la surveillance vidéo, l'entretien des véhicules ou les systèmes d'assistance au conducteur.
"Pour un constructeur de véhicules, cette architecture permettra de fournir des véhicules qui soient prédisposés à récevoir ce système d´information explique Emmanuel de Verdalle
ingénieur système chez Veolia. Pour les opérateurs de transport, cette architecture informatique permettra de simplifier l'installation, la maintenance des systèmes d'information. Et pour l'utilisateur final de transports en commun, cette architecture permettra de lui fournir un service multimodal, donc une information voyageur en continu de bout en bout le long de son parcours".
A Dresde en Allemagne, les chercheurs en ergonomie utilisent ce simulateur de bus pour évaluer les besoins et les priorités des conducteurs européens. Deux scénarios différents ont été étudiés; les rues de Dresde et celles plus trépidantes de Rome. La cabine idéal a été conçue en fonction des retours des conducteurs professionnels.
Des critères comme l'espace, les réglages, le confort, la visibilité ont été pris largement en compte. Ces recherches ont pu révéler des différences concrètes de priorités entre conducteurs du Nord et du Sud de l'Europe.
Prochaine étape : introduire ces plans dans des modèles de bus moins gourmant en carburant et équipés de systèmes informatiques plus développés.
"Dans 20 ans, nous aurons des bus modulaires capables de s'adapter eux-mêmes au nombre de passagers qu'ils auront à transporter dans un temps donné ou un lieu indique Umberto Guida coordinateur du projet européen EBSF. Nous aurons aussi des bus dont l'état de santé-le fonctionnement du moteur, les portes, etc - sera complètement contrôlé à distance à partir d'un ordinateur central. Cela permettra d'éviter à un bus de tomber en panne en plein service, au milieu d'une rue". http://ebsf.eu/
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A Göteborg en Suède, un tout nouveau bus déssert la ligne 16, une des plus utilisée en ville. C'est l'arme secrète pour que les Européens se réapproprient leurs bus. Le véhicule est censé offrir 20% d'espace en plus pour les passagers .. avec seulement quelques astuce : "Pour commencer, nous avons ces deux nouvelles portes coulissantes qui sont plus larges, elles permettent une meilleure circulation des passagers "explique Lars Carldén ingénieur chez Volvo Technologie. Nous avons aussi des sièges pliables. Aux heures de pointe, les conducteurs peuvent les bloquer en position verticale.
Nous avons également placé le chauffeur au centre entre les roues avant, et nous avons déplacé les roues plus à l'avant pour générer davantage d'espace. Et ià l'arrière, nous avons de nouveaux soufflets qui sont transparents. Grâce à cela, nous obtenons plus de lumière à cet endroit, qui généralement était la partie la plus sombre du bus."
Ce bus est le prototype final d'un projet de recherche de l'Union européenne. Objectif : développer de nouvelles façons de promouvoir l'utilisation de bus plus silencieux, plus propre, plus efficace et plus convivial.
A Nanterre près de Paris, des chercheurs ont mis au point une plateforme informatique qui centralise tous les systèmes d'informations caractéristiques d'un bus.
Les conducteurs peuvent contrôler à partir de ce petit écran toute l'électronique à bord, y compris la localisation GPS, l'information trafic en temps réel, la consommation d'énergie, la vente de tickets, le nombre de passagers, la surveillance vidéo, l'entretien des véhicules ou les systèmes d'assistance au conducteur.
"Pour un constructeur de véhicules, cette architecture permettra de fournir des véhicules qui soient prédisposés à récevoir ce système d´information explique Emmanuel de Verdalle
ingénieur système chez Veolia. Pour les opérateurs de transport, cette architecture informatique permettra de simplifier l'installation, la maintenance des systèmes d'information. Et pour l'utilisateur final de transports en commun, cette architecture permettra de lui fournir un service multimodal, donc une information voyageur en continu de bout en bout le long de son parcours".
A Dresde en Allemagne, les chercheurs en ergonomie utilisent ce simulateur de bus pour évaluer les besoins et les priorités des conducteurs européens. Deux scénarios différents ont été étudiés; les rues de Dresde et celles plus trépidantes de Rome. La cabine idéal a été conçue en fonction des retours des conducteurs professionnels.
Des critères comme l'espace, les réglages, le confort, la visibilité ont été pris largement en compte. Ces recherches ont pu révéler des différences concrètes de priorités entre conducteurs du Nord et du Sud de l'Europe.
Prochaine étape : introduire ces plans dans des modèles de bus moins gourmant en carburant et équipés de systèmes informatiques plus développés.
"Dans 20 ans, nous aurons des bus modulaires capables de s'adapter eux-mêmes au nombre de passagers qu'ils auront à transporter dans un temps donné ou un lieu indique Umberto Guida coordinateur du projet européen EBSF. Nous aurons aussi des bus dont l'état de santé-le fonctionnement du moteur, les portes, etc - sera complètement contrôlé à distance à partir d'un ordinateur central. Cela permettra d'éviter à un bus de tomber en panne en plein service, au milieu d'une rue". http://ebsf.eu/
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Mastère Spécialisé Executive en Management des Systèmes d'Information
Publicado em 18/09/2012
Témoignage de Vélavan Nagamay, Responsable Commercial Rhône-Alpes chez Swingmobility.
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Sécurité dans les transports publics - Que peut-il se passer dans une journée?
Publicado em 06/07/2012
Cette vidéo montre comment les autorités des transports publics tirent profit des solutions de vidéo sur IP Axis dans leur travail quotidien. Un système de surveillance centralisé avec des fonctions en temps réel aide à détecter et à évaluer rapidement les incidents dans le système de transports. En résultat, les autorités du systèmes et les responsables de stations peuvent minimiser les coûts du vandalisme, des graffitis et des vols de métaux, tout en augmentant la sécurité perçus et effective du personnel et des passagers, ainsi qu'en réduisant le nombre d'interruptions de service. Plus d'informations : http://www.axis.com/solutions/video/t...
Exemple à Madrid, Espagne :
Exemple à Madrid, Espagne :
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domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013
A Evolução dos Transportes
Publicado em 10/07/2012
Nas ruas e avenidas da maior cidade da América Latina, a velocidade média do carro, muitas vezes, não supera a de uma carroça puxada pela força braçal. Cada vez mais caótica e congestionada, São Paulo acostuma-se a quilométricas fileiras onde sua população perde 27 dias por ano, segundo pesquisa do Movimento Nossa São Paulo.
A "Evolução" dos Transportes
Na animação "A Evolução dos Transportes", o panorama sobre a atual situação do trânsito paulistano e uma breve reflexão acerca do tema buscam compatibilizar o interesse individual com o bem-estar coletivo. "Nossa ideia é propor o debate sobre a questão do trânsito na cidade, através de uma linguagem descontraída, mas ao mesmo tempo embasada por números, pesquisas e estatísticas", explica a roteirista e organizadora do curta-metragem, Diana Sampaio.
Confira na íntegra "A Evolução dos Transportes".
(texto do André Nicolau, do Catraca Livre)
A "Evolução" dos Transportes
Na animação "A Evolução dos Transportes", o panorama sobre a atual situação do trânsito paulistano e uma breve reflexão acerca do tema buscam compatibilizar o interesse individual com o bem-estar coletivo. "Nossa ideia é propor o debate sobre a questão do trânsito na cidade, através de uma linguagem descontraída, mas ao mesmo tempo embasada por números, pesquisas e estatísticas", explica a roteirista e organizadora do curta-metragem, Diana Sampaio.
Confira na íntegra "A Evolução dos Transportes".
(texto do André Nicolau, do Catraca Livre)
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sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2013
Moi, Je ne modère pas mes transports !
Publicado em 22/02/2013
Campagne de promotion des transports collectifs initiée par Transport 2000 Québec et diffusée dans l'ensemble du Québec urbain. Capsule vidéo #3 avec le témoignage de Normand Parisien de l'Association Transport 2000 Québec.
Nos remerciements à Chantal Parenteau de Cyber Relations publiques pour le tournage et le montage vidéo. Et à Marie-Josée Huot de Passeport environnement ECI inc. pour la scénarisation et pour l'idée de mettre en mouvement l'affiche de la campagne.
Partagez SVP. Merci.
Nos remerciements à Chantal Parenteau de Cyber Relations publiques pour le tournage et le montage vidéo. Et à Marie-Josée Huot de Passeport environnement ECI inc. pour la scénarisation et pour l'idée de mettre en mouvement l'affiche de la campagne.
Partagez SVP. Merci.
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quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2013
Terminando o sufoco
Saindo do IPPUC
Saindo da Estação Tubo Santa Quitèria
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Passando a hora de maior demanda no Terminal do Cabral
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terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2013
Não adianta correr e acenar para o motorista
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sexta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2013
BRT em São Francisco - note pistas separadas para os ônibus
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Escolhemos ter todos os modais
Escolhemos ter todos os modais
Sérgio Póvoa Pires é presidente do Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba (Ippuc).
Sérgio Póvoa Pires é presidente do Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba (Ippuc).
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planehamento rubano,
Sérgio Póvoa Pires
terça-feira, 13 de agosto de 2013
Future ligne Ouest Est de tramway
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O que é BRT e exemplos - para lembrar - o mais caro é a canaleta (custo do espaço) e após é investir na otimização
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Operação e frota de ônibus em Curitiba - carência de ônibus e muito mais
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Dentro do terminal do Cabral - procurando voltar para casa - pensando na RIT
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London Underground Observations
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Piso rebaixado
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O 500 UDA e O 500 MDA: os ônibus superarticulados da Mercedes
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Cambridge Guided Busway has a shaky start. 7th Aug 2011
Sistema O-Bahn
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BRT Bus Rapid Transit Bangkok เปิดรั้วโรงเรียน
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BRT Bangkok
No horário de ponta o sistema satura e poderia ser muito melhor se fosse otimizado e a frota ampliada
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operação do transporte coletivo urbano,
segurança dos pedestres,
Terminal do Cabral
A necessidade de racionalidade e conhecimento prático do transporte coletivo urbano
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ônibus mal aproveitado - estação tubo inadequada - Curitiba
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Ignorância - mentiras e a tese das canaletas saturadas
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sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013
Além do registro - para pensar na diferença entre os ônibus da época e o metrô - pode-se entender a importância do Underground - metrô
Filme de 1927 colorido !!!
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Take a look at 1927 London in this amazing
color film shot in the 1920s
by an early British cinema pioneer named
Claude Frisse-Greene.
He made a series of travelogues using the color process his father William, who was a noted cinematographer, was experimenting with at the time. If you are familiar with London I?m willing to bet you?ll enjoy seeing how it looked almost a hundred years ago. |
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ônibus e idosos - pode ser ótimo
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Dilma inaugura aeromóvel em trecho de 814 metros e defende transporte público
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ônibus usado em Curitiba para trajetos sem cobrador
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Aeromóvel inaugurado em Porto Alegre - parabéns ao Rio Grande do Sul e ao Brasil
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sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013
Lembrando um projeto inoportuno para implantação de bondes em Curitiba
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